Monday, July 13, 2009

Tear Hear—ing Loss!

The cure for temporary hearing loss sometimes depends on the reason of the hearing loss. Treatment for it includes using hearing devices.

Proper medication is still important although you and your family may view permanent hearing loss as part of aging. This treatment cannot bring back your hearing, but it makes communication, social interaction, and work even daily activities easier.

Treatment for changeable hearing loss depends on its cause. It is sometimes treated victoriously. Hearing loss caused by:

o Ototoxic medicines (such as aspirin or ibuprofen) sometimes work after you have been stopping taking the medicine.

o An ear infection, sample as a middle ear infection, often heals up on its own, but you still may be needing antibiotics.

o Often an injury to the ear or to the head may heal on its own, or sometimes you may need surgery.

o Disease such as otosclerosis, acoustic neuroma, or Meniere’s disease may really require medicine or surgery.

o Corticosteroid medicines are used to treat to an autoimmune problem, generally by which is the prednisone.

o Earwax is cured by removing the wax. Avoid using a cotton swab or a sharp object to try to remove the wax, for this may push the wax even deeper into the ear and may also cause injury.
For permanent hearing loss, as of age- related and noise- induced hearing loss, hearing apparatus can often improve how well you may hear and communicate. And these apparatus or devices include the following:

o Hearing aids. This device makes sounds louder and clearer. They do not replace your hearing, but they may help you function and communicate more easily.

o Devices such as assistive listening devices, alerting and other communication aids.

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