Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hearing Presbycusis

A lot of deadly viruses, cancers and so many illnesses are now arising from different place with unknown reasons that brought us awareness of our health status. And because those are harmful and dangerous we more focus on it neglecting the other knowing that it may bring more danger.
Nowadays, people were more conscious of some parts of their body disregarding the other.
Example of which is the ears. The ear is an organ that has the responsibility to detect sound. Therefore, the ear plays an important part in our life. We may find difficulty in speaking if we lose our hearing resulting to poor communication, hearing loss can also affect our relationships, school performance, job productivity and emotional well-being. For that reason, our ears should also be paid attention same as the other parts of our body.

One way of taking good care of our body is by knowing the conditions of every part. And also by having the knowledge of the illnesses it may have when deprive.

Presbycusis is the condition of losing our hearing sensation which little by little occurs in almost individuals as they grow. This hearing loss is common irregularity associated with aging. It is concluded that 40 – 50 % of people have this hearing loss.

There are a lot of causes of this presbycusis but the common reason of its occurrence is because of age-related changes in the following locations:

* within the inner ear
* within the middle ear
* along the nerve pathways to the brain.
Contributors of presbycusis:

v Environmental noise
v Hereditary factors
v Aging
v Health
v Loss of hair cells

Medications to presbycusis are still reach in hand. And thanks to technology for the great help. One of the invented devices through technology is the hearing aid which may be recommended for some individuals. Assitive listening aids may give further pogress in hearing ability in certain conditions. One of the example of such device is the built – in telephone amplifier. Training in speech reading can also help those with presbycusis to fully understand better what is being said in conversations or presentations.

There are many strategies to help people with presbycusis. Hearing aids may be recommended for some individuals. Assistive listening devices can provide further improvement in hearing ability in certain situations. One example of such a device is the built-in telephone amplifier. Another example is FM systems that make sounds clearer, with or without a hearing aid, by delivering sound waves like a radio. Training in speechreading (using visual cues to determine what is being spoken) can help those with presbycusis to understand better what is being said in conversations or presentations.

Articles you can learn from:

epidemic of A H1N1 virus

A H1N1 virus and SARS

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