Sunday, July 19, 2009

HAVE A HEALTHY HEART: Cardiovascular Diseases

For about 42 million people, estimated in the US suffer due to cardiovascular diseases. Almost everyday, a 4, 000 numbered of people suffering from heart attacks and about 1, 000 have strokes. Because of such incident, it causes more than 700, 000 deaths each year.

Cardiovascular illnesses generate when normal flow of blood through the heart and through the body is clogged in the some way. Then as a result, the heart, kidneys and other vital organs may be harm. Heart attacks, strokes, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure are just the common forms of cardiovascular diseases.

Heart attack. Like the other body tissues, heart muscle also needs an enough of supply of blood to stay alive. Heart attacks occur when there is a blood clot in a narrowed artery blocking the flow of the blood to the part of the heart muscle. And the section of the blood that does not receive the blood now begins too die. Signs of heart attacks include the following: uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest, and often in the arms and shoulders, lasting for almost two minutes or more. And treatments for this illness are drugs, surgery, and physical therapy.

Strokes. As mentioned above, if the brain tissues do not receive adequate oxygen and nutrients, it begins to die; resulting to a stroke, the major cause of strokes is blood clot lodging in one of the arteries to the brain. Signs of small stroke include sudden, temporary dimness of the face, arm and leg on one side of the body. The remedy for stroke requires surgery, drugs, and physical therapy.

High blood pressure. The force of the blood against vessels walls as the heart pumps is what you call the blood pressure. Hypertension then maybe defines as blood – pressure levels consistently above 140/90. It is often called as the silent disease since there are no real warning symptoms of hypertension. Proper diet along with cutting amount of salt used is a necessary ways to take control blood pressure.

As of now, there are a lot of major modern health hazards that may begin in young people. Later in life, especially among people who indulge in an unhealthy life – style, these hazards sometimes resulted in the above mentioned diseases. And although there have been major medical breakthroughs in curing these diseases, a better safeguard for your health is the a wellness of life – style.

more articles:

epidemic of A H1N1 virus

A H1N1 virus and SARS

Diabetes Complications

Sit all day and suffer a stroke!

What Happens When You Laugh

Real Secret to Health

Aerobics for your health

Friday, July 17, 2009

Left and Right Brains

Though the two halves of the brain look the same, evidence shows that they have totally different functions. The left one controls the right side of the body, and the right brain controls the left side of the body. The two halves of the brain also have different means of thinking. Left part of the halves can be called the logical brain. While you’re reading these words, your left brain comprehends their meaning. It also recognizes groups of letters as words and as group of sentences. Your left brain has the capacity to do the arithmetic. In fact, it’s the left brain that has the same function as a computer. People who excel in math and science use their left brains a great deal.

What does the right brain do then? Whenever you draw a picture or listen to music or recognize a face without putting a name to it, your right brain is the one involved. If the mathematicians use their left, the artist and musicians use their right brains a great deal. This information first started when the doctors began to perform operations to cure epilepsy. The operation has isolated the two halves of the brain and this allowed the researches to study the separate functions of the two halves. With the use of EEG readings, there is more information that are now being gathered about the different functions of the right and left brains.

There is more activity in the left hemisphere when you are writing a letter and in the right hemisphere when you are drawing a picture. There is some nerve activity on both sides during any kind of activity though the activity on one side is usually greater than the other.

more articles:

epidemic of A H1N1 virus

A H1N1 virus and SARS

Diabetes Complications

Sit all day and suffer a stroke!

What Happens When You Laugh

Real Secret to Health

Aerobics for your health

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hearing Presbycusis

A lot of deadly viruses, cancers and so many illnesses are now arising from different place with unknown reasons that brought us awareness of our health status. And because those are harmful and dangerous we more focus on it neglecting the other knowing that it may bring more danger.
Nowadays, people were more conscious of some parts of their body disregarding the other.
Example of which is the ears. The ear is an organ that has the responsibility to detect sound. Therefore, the ear plays an important part in our life. We may find difficulty in speaking if we lose our hearing resulting to poor communication, hearing loss can also affect our relationships, school performance, job productivity and emotional well-being. For that reason, our ears should also be paid attention same as the other parts of our body.

One way of taking good care of our body is by knowing the conditions of every part. And also by having the knowledge of the illnesses it may have when deprive.

Presbycusis is the condition of losing our hearing sensation which little by little occurs in almost individuals as they grow. This hearing loss is common irregularity associated with aging. It is concluded that 40 – 50 % of people have this hearing loss.

There are a lot of causes of this presbycusis but the common reason of its occurrence is because of age-related changes in the following locations:

* within the inner ear
* within the middle ear
* along the nerve pathways to the brain.
Contributors of presbycusis:

v Environmental noise
v Hereditary factors
v Aging
v Health
v Loss of hair cells

Medications to presbycusis are still reach in hand. And thanks to technology for the great help. One of the invented devices through technology is the hearing aid which may be recommended for some individuals. Assitive listening aids may give further pogress in hearing ability in certain conditions. One of the example of such device is the built – in telephone amplifier. Training in speech reading can also help those with presbycusis to fully understand better what is being said in conversations or presentations.

There are many strategies to help people with presbycusis. Hearing aids may be recommended for some individuals. Assistive listening devices can provide further improvement in hearing ability in certain situations. One example of such a device is the built-in telephone amplifier. Another example is FM systems that make sounds clearer, with or without a hearing aid, by delivering sound waves like a radio. Training in speechreading (using visual cues to determine what is being spoken) can help those with presbycusis to understand better what is being said in conversations or presentations.

Articles you can learn from:

epidemic of A H1N1 virus

A H1N1 virus and SARS

Diabetes Complications

Sit all day and suffer a stroke!

What Happens When You Laugh

Real Secret to Health

Aerobics for your health

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Public Health: Familiar with “Love Canal?”

Are you familiar of the story “Love Canal?” Love Canal is a small community located near at Niagara Falls, New York. In 1976, a heavy rains soaked the earth and flooded the basements of the area, soon afterward, gardens began to die, pets became sickly, then the people. Over the next two years, residents had suffered from high rates of miscarriages, birth defects, cancer, and other ailments. Why did this happen?

The Love Canal society had been built in a forgotten toxic dumpsite. And during the flooding, the water was mixed up with the chemicals seeping from the toxic wastes buried there over twenty years earlier. At the end, the President declared the Love Canal as a disaster area. The place is but one of example to show unto us how the environment can affect public health. Tragedies as of this could have been prevented if the environment and public health become everybody’s concern.

What is a Public Health? Public health includes efforts to protect and promote total well – being on an individual, local, state, national, or international level. An organized group of doctors, and other professionals, scientists, public officials, and consumers are working together to achieve better health for everyone.

Now a day, through the Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies, the federal government is involved in every phase of public health. The public health department functions as medical care programs, disease detection, environment health programs, patient facilities and services and lastly as a support services.

In 1948 the United Nations formed the World Health Organization (WHO) to “raise the physical and mental health of all people.” WHO sponsors projects for infectious disease control and immunization in generating countries. The organization also concerned with improving nutrition and sanitation, as well as training public – health.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tear Hear—ing Loss!

The cure for temporary hearing loss sometimes depends on the reason of the hearing loss. Treatment for it includes using hearing devices.

Proper medication is still important although you and your family may view permanent hearing loss as part of aging. This treatment cannot bring back your hearing, but it makes communication, social interaction, and work even daily activities easier.

Treatment for changeable hearing loss depends on its cause. It is sometimes treated victoriously. Hearing loss caused by:

o Ototoxic medicines (such as aspirin or ibuprofen) sometimes work after you have been stopping taking the medicine.

o An ear infection, sample as a middle ear infection, often heals up on its own, but you still may be needing antibiotics.

o Often an injury to the ear or to the head may heal on its own, or sometimes you may need surgery.

o Disease such as otosclerosis, acoustic neuroma, or Meniere’s disease may really require medicine or surgery.

o Corticosteroid medicines are used to treat to an autoimmune problem, generally by which is the prednisone.

o Earwax is cured by removing the wax. Avoid using a cotton swab or a sharp object to try to remove the wax, for this may push the wax even deeper into the ear and may also cause injury.
For permanent hearing loss, as of age- related and noise- induced hearing loss, hearing apparatus can often improve how well you may hear and communicate. And these apparatus or devices include the following:

o Hearing aids. This device makes sounds louder and clearer. They do not replace your hearing, but they may help you function and communicate more easily.

o Devices such as assistive listening devices, alerting and other communication aids.

Also read:

epidemic of A H1N1 virus

A H1N1 virus and SARS

Diabetes Complications

Sit all day and suffer a stroke!

What Happens When You Laugh

Real Secret to Health

Aerobics for your health

Learn how you can reverse obesity, diabetes, headaches, arthritis, reflux
and many other conditions in 10 days.