Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What is Your Eating Habit?

What is your habit? Eating is loved by everyone (almost). A very yummy habit it is. One eats when he is happy and eats again whenever depressed. People eat every minute of their life, as if their stomach couldn’t be really contented.

How should one eat food? Would you prefer chewing it thoroughly or swallowing it immediately? Although chewing needs no explanation, a shocking number of people do not adequately chew foods they eat. People especially business minded one almost doesn’t have much time even for eating. Many times they eat easily chewed one and instant foods. Mostly because of rush they just swallow it without chewing thoroughly. Is it healthy to practice?

As we are eating lunch, together with my brothers and sister in faith this afternoon, a bro opened a topic about the healthy and proper eating etiquettes. According to him, one should chew food 15 times or more so the food would be grind and also so that the stomach could properly digest it. It prevents indigestion, gas and heartburn. It was also a good exercise for the gums which could prevent gum problems. I heard also that drinking should only be done after eating which is very opposite to the practice we have in the family, but I believe it’s not always counted as a good suggestion.

In eating we should always remember that it is very important to chew the foods we put into our mouth. We should also take into consider those foods that we input rather than just swallowing it. If we input junks in our body then it will manifest in us as well as inputting healthy foods. It is said that we are what we eat, so we should be aware of what we are eating. Life doesn’t just end in eating, healthy lifestyle starts in the foods we eat.

happy chewing!

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